
英語的連音. 舉例 It's in March /i tsin Mar tʃ /


對這個 '秘密' 的無知, 害大家英語聽力, 再怎麼努力還是無法提升。我用 Ann Cook 的書 'American Accent Training', 其中一小小段音檔, 為各位說明英語的連音。希望幫助大家英語學習往上提升。(聽力好, 讀說寫省煩惱)

It's in March.


你聽得出  [耳多所聽] 和 [眼睛所讀] 兩者差別何在嗎? 試說明之!

真實發音用字典常用音標 (/r/ 非 IPA 標準符號) 註記下來, 大略為
/i     tsin     Mar tʃ/
- 重音在 Ma
- t's in 被連起來發音 /tsin/
- /i/ 和 /ts/ 中間有很短的休止符

我把 /tsin/ 特別獨立出來, 你們再仔細聽聽看。試著訓練耳朵去抓這個連音!


Syllabus of College-Ready English Writing (高中生的大學英語寫作- 課程大綱)

Course Title: College-Ready English Writing

. Simon Shauming 吳老師, ESL/Math Tutor
E-Mail: simon.shauming@gmail.com
Mobile: 0975-237-356 (Taipei)

Target Students
Taiwan high school students with interest in overseas college study

1 on 1, small group
two hours/week

- joy in writing
- awareness as a young writer
- one's own unique voice
- independence in college application and study
- how to give and receive criticism

- spend more time on actual writing than talking about writing theory
- listen to other writers' voice and write in one's own voice
- gradually turn free narrative writing into structural analytic writing

Class Session
A) Warm-up for writing
- listen to tracks of audiobooks
- turn voice into words
- turn words into sentences
- mutual criticism

B) Writing in three levels
- personal perception
- personal insight
- public issue
- mutual criticism

C) Purposeful writing
- writing for college admission
- writing essay or statistical analysis
- mutual criticism

(Depending on the level and progress of the students, the following materials may be taken out or new materials may be added as the course goes.)
- Various audiobooks
- College application guidelines for
  • Resume/CV,
  • Personal Statement,
  • Personal Insight Questions (Univ of California),
  • Statement of Purpose,
  • Cover Letter
  • Other Essays
- IELTS, SAT, TOEFL writing tests


高中生出國留學英語班- learning 'Mesopotamia'

Syllabus of Learning 'Mesopotamia'

This page puts together the materials and my plan of teaching the 'Mesopotamia' chapter in H. Van Loon's book. Dr. Simon Shauming, ESL/Math Tutor

  • Increase listening ability for ancient history contents. 
  • Increase word power.
  • Learn how to describe events, places, and time.
  • See the parallel and contrast structures of the text.
  • Become curious how human civilizations began.
  • Expand geographical knowledge of West Asia. 
  • Appreciate the relevance of the lesson to current news events.
Class Time   3 hours

I. Pre-class activity

The students listen to the audio track and read the text at least once before coming to the class.


I AM going to take you to the top of the highest pyramid and I am going to ask that you imagine yourself possessed of the eyes of a hawk.

Way, way off, in the distance, far beyond the yellow sands of the desert, you will see something green and shimmering.

It is a valley situated between two rivers.

It is the Paradise of the Old Testament.

It is the land of mystery and wonder which the Greeks called Mesopotamia the "country between the rivers."

The names of the two rivers are the Euphrates (which the Babylonians called the Purattu) and the Tigris (which was known as the Diklat).

They begin their course amidst the snows of the mountains of Armenia where Noah's Ark found a resting place and slowly they flow through the southern plain until they reach the muddy banks of the Persian gulf.

They perform a very useful service.

They turn the arid regions of western Asia into a fertile garden.

The valley of the Nile had attracted people because it had offered them food upon fairly easy terms.

The "land between the rivers" was popular for the same reason.

It was a country full of promise and both the inhabitants of the northern mountains and the tribes which roamed through the southern deserts tried to claim this territory as their own and most exclusive possession.

The constant rivalry between the mountaineers and the desert-nomads led to endless warfare.

Only the strongest and the bravest could hope to survive and that will explain why Mesopotamia became the home of a very strong race of men who were capable of creating a civilization which was in every respect as important as that of Egypt.

II. Classroom activities

Audio echoing exercise.
Notice speech pattern, emphasis, and so on.

List proper names, such as Old Testament, the Greeks.
List words and phrases that you are not familiar with.
  • First, guess what the strange words mean from the context.
  • Don't write Chinese translation next to them.
  • Look the unfamiliar words up in an English-English dictionary, such as Longman Dictionary.
  • After that, explain them in your own words.
  • Finally, create sentences with your favorite strange words.

Text analysis
Condition of nature vs human activity.
Two parts separated by the sentence containing 'fertile garden'.
What rhetoric purpose does this structure intend to serve?
What conflicts can you detect in this article?
Break down a few very long sentences into clause trees.

Imagine a desert. Describe what it is like. What does it have? How does it feel to you?
Have you ever been to an arid area?
Have you ever been to a fertile farmland?
What differences between them have you noticed?

III. After class

review the following words and phrases:
centre (Br) = center (Am)
civilisation (Br) = civilization (Am)

imagine yourself
possess, possessed of, possessed by, possession
the eyes of a hawk
Way, way off in the distance
shimmer, shimmering
situated between

amidst (lit.) = amid
turn ... into ...
arid regions
fertile garden

it had offered them ...
roamed through the southern deserts
claim this territory as their own
exclusive possession
rivalry between

... lead to ...
lead, led, led (verb)
lead (noun)
LED light

endless warfare
that will explain why ...
in every respect

IV. Extension Learning

A) Cradles of Civilization - The First Cities l Lessons of Dr. David Neiman

B) Biblical account of Adam created in charge of the Garden of Eden
Genesis 2:7-15
And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.

The Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there He put the man whom He had formed. And out of the ground the Lord God made every tree grow that is pleasant to the sight and good for food. The tree of life was also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Now a river went out of Eden to water the garden, and from there it parted and became four riverheads. The name of the first is Pishon; it is the one which skirts the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold. And the gold of that land is good. Bdellium and the onyx stone are there. The name of the second river is Gihon; it is the one which goes around the whole land of Cush. The name of the third river is Hiddekel; it is the one which goes toward the east of Assyria. The fourth river is the Euphrates.

Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it.


SAT Reading- 小說分析舉例

這是 SAT 閱讀練習題的一小部分, 節錄自官方網站的練習範例。這一題考小說閱讀, 文學分析的能力。

這裡我簡單示範, 如何閱讀故事型考題。重點是迅速釐清幾個元素:
- 角色, 角色彼此的關係,
- 場景的時地, 季節, 經濟條件, 社會階級, ...
- 角色的動機: 感情聯繫的, 精神超越的, 事業發展的, 物質報酬的, 社會正義的, ...
- 完成目標的阻礙

Questions 1-10 are based on the following passage.
This passage is from Lydia Minatoya, The Strangeness of Beauty. ©1999 by Lydia Minatoya.
The setting is Japan in 1920. Chie and her daughter Naomi are members of the House of Fuji, a noble family.
題目文本摘自於一本小說。 上面提示說這是講一對日本母女的故事, Chie 是媽媽, Naomi 是女兒, 出身於貴族家庭。
注意: Chie 是比較東方名字, 而 Naomi 是西方名字。所以讀者可以猜想,是否關於隔代文化衝突?

Akira came directly, breaking all tradition. Was that it? Had he followed form—had he asked his mother to speak to his father to approach a go-between—would Chie have been more receptive? He came on a winter’s eve. He pounded on the door while a cold rain beat on the shuttered veranda, so at first Chie thought him only the wind.
開頭有一個角色 Akira 出現。Akira 是 男的 (he),
場景: 冬天晚上, Akira 去拜訪 Chie 家。
Akira 想要是如果先請他媽媽去問他爸爸, 做 go-between 來找 Chie 談, 會不會比較有效?  (點出新生一代, 對老一代之間注重傳統的應對進退, 這些規矩, 很難取捨)
拜訪動機: 他要 Chie 接受甚麼?

The maid knew better. Chie heard her soft scuttling footsteps, the creak of the door. Then the maid brought a calling card to the drawing room, for Chie. Chie was reluctant to go to her guest; perhaps she was feeling too cozy.
貴族家庭所以有 maid, 做開門迎接不速之客的工作。 而 Chie 坐著不動, 享受女主人的地位。
She and Naomi were reading at a low table set atop a charcoal brazier. A thick quilt spread over the sides of the table so their legs were tucked inside with the heat.
場景: 母女坐在有烤爐的房間取暖, 和室。

“Who is it at this hour, in this weather?” Chie questioned as she picked the name card off the maid’s lacquer tray.

Shinoda, Akira. Kobe Dental College,” she read. Naomi recognized the name. Chie heard a soft intake of air.

“I think you should go,” said Naomi.
這段對話, 很短, 可是暗示一些 Naomi 和 Akira 的過往。你有聽到女兒 Naomi 倒抽一口氣嗎?

衝突還沒出現, 但敏銳的讀者, 讀到這裡應該 對 Akira-Chie-Naomi 三者之間可能發生的衝突有些預感了!
小說讀很多, 對文學類型熟悉的人, 可能會在猜, 這個故事發展下去, 會不會是 羅密歐/茱麗葉 類型? 家族間的衝突, 世代間的隔閡造成年輕戀人的阻礙?
透過文類 (genre) 預期性的思考, 是老練的讀者, 自然而然會發展出來的讀書技術。

TOEFL 聽力的兩支腳: 1 英語腔調, 2 西方歷史

不少人覺得 TOEFL 英語聽力是無解的問題。即使花了時間, 金錢, 心力, 聽力一直低標。那是因為缺乏練習聽力的兩隻腳: I) 英語腔調, II) 西方歷史。

I. 英語腔調
成人的語言細胞, 會自動把外國口音聽成母語口音 => 所以成人聽力很難突破

- 高低音不敏感, 聽不到句子的重點資訊
- 不懂連音, 不懂省略音
- 混淆 語音片段 (sound segment) 和 文本片段 (text segment)
- 講快, 不是聽不清楚的原因
- 聽力突破要靠語音學
- 教聽力過程必須點出 高低音, 連音, 省略音的地方

II. 西方歷史
文史一家, 聽讀西方歷史, 練高級學術聽力

- TOEFL 聽力雖然 五花八門的主題, 但以西方歷史和科技為主
- 隨機亂聽效果不佳
- 從古希臘到現代歐洲的西方歷史是基礎
- 科學史, 工業革命史 的相關英語人名, 地名, 專業字詞的發音, 要聽得懂
- 英語歷史, TOEFL 出題很多, 例如 貝武夫 Beowulf 古英語的源流傳播
- 美國歷史. 這個國家的社會,經濟, 政治變遷 等

給自己計畫一年的時間, 練習 I 和 II。想要臨時補一下讓聽力進步, 不可能。 腔調+西方史 兩支腳站穩了, 練考古題的效果才會出得來。沒錢請老師教的人, 推薦一個 Youtube Rachel's English, 自己研習 「英語腔調」

西方歷史部分, 推薦 The Story of Mankind by Hendrik Van Loon 有聲書。 


SAT Math- 個位數的英語

consecutive: 連續的
integer: 整數

consecutive integers: 連續整數
例如 玩 '喜巴辣' 丟三顆骰子, {1, 2, 3} 通賠, {4, 5, 6} 通殺 的點數。
{-5, -4, -3}  或是 {-2, -1, 0, 1}  或是  {4, 5, 6} 也都是 consecutive integers

the units digit, the ones digit: 個位數

the product jn: j 和 n 相乘的結果

what is the units digit of k: k 的個位數是甚麼?

1 ~ 9 中哪兩個整數相乘, 結果個位數會得出 9?
j < k < n, (j, n 這兩個整數中間隔另一個整數 k)

十位數, 英語是甚麼?
百位數, 英語是甚麼?


TOEFL 說寫的高分要求 是趨勢

現在美國研究所, 對英語寫作和口語能力 要求非常高, 這是一個普遍趨勢。
以 UCLA 研究所為例, TOEFL iBT 最低分:

Writing: 25
Speaking: 24
Reading: 21
Listening: 17

這兩者不是靠大班補習, 可以短時間補救起來的。
如何開始準備, 請繼續閱讀本版相關文章:
聽和說練習- 腔調的三元素

SAT 考試系列 (3)- 註冊和考試日期

版主吳博士叮嚀: 要申請明年秋季入學的人, 最好報考今年僅剩的 2 次考試

SAT 考試日             最後一天可以註冊
Nov. 5, 2016            Oct. 7, 2016
Dec. 3, 2016            Nov. 3, 2016

Jan. 21, 2017          Dec. 21, 2016
March 11, 2017       Feb. 10, 2017
May 6, 2017           Apr. 7, 2017
June 3, 2017           May 9, 2017

成績寄出日期 Score Delivery Dates
Nov. 5 test date: Nov. 29 score delivery
Dec. 3 test date: Dec. 23 score delivery

SAT 官網

UC 加州大學部 明年秋季入學 申請期間: 11 月

November 1-30, 明年秋季入學 申請期間 Filing period for fall 2017 admission application

March 1-31, 錄取通知寄出期間

May 1, 被錄取學生,寄信學校註冊組要不要來讀的期限 Statement of Intent to Register (SIR).

UC 官網


SAT 考試系列 (2) 申請 UCLA 大學部, SAT 12月底前要考過!

台灣學生申請 UCLA 大學部, 必要這些考試成績:
  • SAT 必含 essay session 或是 ACT + ACT Writing Test
  • 理工科的, 強烈建議考 SAT Subject Test: Math Level 2 + a science test (Biology E/M, Chemistry, or Physics) 
  • IELTS >= 7.0, 或 TOEFL iBT >= 83, 或 TOEFL PBT >= 550 (成績要從考試單位, 直接送 UCLA Undergraduate Admission Office)
  • 明年秋季的入學, 今年 12 月底就要考過
Simon 老師建議:
- 三種英語考試: 建議考 iBT
- SAT vs ACT: 建議考 SAT. (ACT 在中西部大學中比較流行)
- UCLA 的 SAT 入學成績: 1750 贏過 25%, 2160 贏過 75% 的入學新生.
- 要補救 SAT, TOEFL 家教效果最好: 聯絡本部落格版主 吳博士(SAT Subject 也有教)


聽和說練習- 腔調的三元素

What is accent? Accent is a combination of three main components: intonation (speech music), liaisons (word connections), and pronunciation (the spoken sounds of vowels, consonants, and combinations).

Ann Cook, 'American Accent Training'

英語的聽和說要進步, 第一關是腔調。

聽的時候, 分辨得出這些元素嗎?
說的時候, 能夠模仿嗎?

如果你的聽力想突破, 不僅托福考題聽得懂, 電影電視的對話也聽得懂。如果你希望你的 說英語, 比較省力, 慢慢可以接近英美母語人士的腔調? 你需要知道語音腔調三元素。

I.) intonation (音調, 話語的音樂性):  也就是 語音 的 pitch (高低), length (長短), volume (大小)

單一個字, stress (重音) 不對, 單字失去意義, 別人聽不懂。
一個句子 聽不到音調變化, 抓不到其中關鍵訊息, 或是情緒。

II.) liaison (語音如何連, 如何分段)

英語靠 reduced sound, linked sound, 短暫的停頓音 (通常是 glottal sound) 來連接或分段 語音。
語音的分段 (sound segment) 和 寫出來的單字, 句子, 差異很大。
不知道這個知識的人,聽英語電影電視日常生活對話, 好像都糊在一起。

III. pronunciation (母音, 子音, 及多樣性的組合)

schwa (弱中央元音) 中文沒有, 偏偏英語幾乎每個字裡面都有, 這是學習時老師要特別教的。


2015 年 IELTS 分數統計分配

2015 年 IELTS 分數

I. 按考試國家分配

Place of origin
Listening Reading Writing Speaking Overall
China 5.9 6.1 5.3 5.4 5.7
Germany 7.7 7.5 6.6 7.3 7.3
Hong Kong 6.9 6.7 5.9 6.2 6.5
India 6.1 5.7 5.6 5.8 5.9
Japan 5.9 6.1 5.3 5.6 5.8
Korea 6.2 6.2 5.4 5.7 5.9
Taiwan 6.2 6.2 5.6 6 6.1
Viet Nam 6.1 5.9 5.8 5.9 6


II. 計畫念高等教育的考生中, 分數等級的分配
For higher education extended course (three months or more)

分數 <4 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9
比例 1% 3% 7% 15% 22% 21% 14% 9% 5% 3% 1% 0%
贏過 1% 4% 11% 26% 48% 69% 83% 92% 97% 100% 100% 100%


雖然這是 2015 年的成績統計,今年的考試也可參考。

1. 強於閱讀, 贏過全球 70%

2. 聽力英國腔不熟悉, 但考得也還不錯

3. 聽力字彙不夠豐富

4. 口說練習不夠。目前口說題目的出題有個結構, 以個人生活經驗為核心,
分三個層次, 層層問答:
A. '個人經驗敘事型表達',
B. '反省式意見表達',
C. '和公共議題關聯的表達'

5. 寫作練習太少。尤其不會統計圖表的分析寫作, 這部分需要單獨的教導。統計分析寫作有常用的術語。

"September marks the peak of Atlantic hurricane season..."

Hurricane (颶風) 是 TOEFL, TOEIC 聽力考試喜歡出的主題。這段 Youtube 介紹 hurricane 如何形成, 很棒的練習材料, 因此被我選用為聽力教材。

How Do Hurricanes Form? | Seasonal Science | UNC-TV
Seasonal Science

"September marks the peak of Atlantic hurricane season..."

- dictation
- echoing
- composition
- discussion

只想學這一個單一教材的人, 歡迎聯絡 Simon ESL Teacher, 教你
- 聽懂
- 字彙

- MP3 檔
- 逐字稿

1 on 1 家教
單次 2 hours
費用: NT$1,200
地點: 面對面 或 Skype


DFS 懲處兆豐銀行的新聞稿英語

August 19, 2016,  紐約州 DFS (Department of Financial Service)  發布懲處兆豐銀行紐約分行的 consent order 的 新聞稿 (press release). 這是一個機會學習美國財金官員談論嚴厲懲處銀行的英語。
“DFS will not tolerate the flagrant disregard of anti-money laundering laws and will take decisive and tough action against any institution that fails to have compliance programs in place to prevent illicit transactions,” said Financial Services Superintendent Maria T. Vullo. 
這句話是 DFS 首長 (Maria T. Vullo) 說的, 一句話裡面就用不同的片語來表達堅定的執法意志, 列舉如下:

A. 進級字彙
flagrant = obviously offensive
the flagrant disregard of ~ (挑釁式輕視)
compliance: 遵循法規

B. 洗錢相關用語
anti-money laundering laws (反洗錢法, 注意: law 是複數 laws, 表示多個具體法律篇章)
illicit transactions (非法轉帳, 注意: 不是用 illegal 這個字, illicit 強調有不道德意涵)

C. 表達強烈意志用語
~ will not tolerate + 名詞片語 (決不容許) 
will take decisive and tough action against ~
any institution that fails to ~ (any 是一個強烈的意志字眼)

D. 好用的句型
have ~ in place to prevent ~~ (設立~ 來防止 ~~)

造句是記憶英語的好方法, 但是不要只用單字造, 而是用片語或句型造。 有興趣的英語學習者, 可以就上面四組用語自行練習造句。

“The compliance failures that DFS found at the New York Branch of Mega Bank are serious, persistent and affected the entire Mega banking enterprise and they indicate a fundamental lack of understanding of the need for a vigorous compliance infrastructure. DFS's recent examination uncovered that Mega Bank's compliance program was a hollow shell, and this consent order is necessary to ensure future compliance.”
compliance failures
found ~ are serious, persistent, and affected ~
indicate a fundamental lack of ~
understanding of the need for ~
a vigorous compliance infrastructure
recent examination uncovered ~
was a hollow shell
this consent order
to ensure future compliance

短短兩句話, compliance 出現 6 次, 懲處事由和目的的大結構如下:

compliance failure

compliance program
compliance programs (複數, 表示具體施行措施)
compliance program (單數, 表示整體集合意涵)
compliance infrastructure (infrastructure 表示設立明確的法遵人員, 部門, 獨立性... 等)

future compliance

In the phrase 'future compliance', what set of laws does the DFS demand Mega Bank to comply with?