
College-Ready Writing, October Week 3 and 4, lesson plan outline

Good writing is based on acute sense of speech sound.

- words from sound in the head. Use them to create sentences
- words with /th/ sound in the end

Check homework from last week
- Discuss literal and interpretative translations for Mark 5:1-17
- Discuss voices in the head and 'hearing voices'. What are the differences?
- Talk about voice of narrator.

Adjective noun and adverb adjective sentence, time: 20-40 minutes
1) Listen to Ann Cook CD 1, track 38. Echo exercise.
It's a short nail. It's really short. ...

2) Now write your own adjective noun and adverb adjective sentences.
It's a sweet cake. The cake is amazingly sweet.

Descriptive Writing, 'David Goes to School'
- Who is talking?
- Fill the gap with words in what is communicated by the images.
- Choose your favorite character as the voice of narrator.

Insightful Writing
What toy has given me a sense of growing-up, changed me or opened a new world to me?

Preview 'Story of Mankind- Mesopotamia'
Ready to write a summary.
Ready to talk about the differences between historical and biblical accounts.

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