
When you sit to dine with a ruler ... (2)

dine: eat dinner, eat food, eat at McDonald, ...

Why does the ruler invite you to dine with him? What are you going to eat in the party? Will you drink a lot? What does he want from you? What do you want from him? Do you feel honored when a king invite you to his party? Or should you feel dangerous?

ruler: boss, king, president, chairman, ...

Who is this ruler? How much do you know about him?
How does he treat the poor? Does he take jobs from the poor?
How does he handle the laws? Does he follow the laws?
How does he treat prisoners? Does he torture prisoners?
How does he handle information? Does he hide many secrets?
Is he honest or not? Is he fair or not? Is he kind or not? ....

We Christians have only one king, that is Jesus Christ. We eat and drink safely only at Christ's table but not at any other ruler's table.

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